calligraphy worksheets


Spread Love with Positive Affirmation Calligraphy this Valentine's Day!

I’m currently designing a new ‘Positive Affirmations’ workbook and I thought I’d take one cheeky worksheet out and share it with you all for free. I’m sure it’ll make a good reason for a relaxing practice session.
With each stroke of your pen, you'll be reinforcing these positive messages and cultivating a mindset of love, gratitude, and self-empowerment.


Calligraphy Practice Sheets Freebie *flourishing theme*

Hello letterer! I’m excited to share this new freebie, I had so much fun creating it!
Get ready for a flourishing themed practice, lettering some lovely bird species names.

You can use any fine tip brush pens or nibs to trace these worksheets.


Free Brush Lettering Practice Sheet - Minimalist Alphabet

I’ve designed this little freebie to encourage you to practice the very foundations of lettering. If you’re feeling stuck or not progressing - try revisiting the basics and practice individual letters for a couple of days or weeks.

Lettering Tips

4 Day Letter Connection Challenge

I really enjoyed running our ‘Perfecting Connecting’ lettering challenge in our Calligraphy Beginners Facebook group.

I thought I’ll recap it here, so other people can join in and learn.
Letter connecting is one of the biggest struggles to all calligraphy newbies, and I’m here to help you get it right.

You’ll get a free brush lettering workbook, a full supply list and a daily video for guidance sharing so many useful tips and tricks - It’s completely free to join! Are you in?

Let’s get to it!